"Marc Breed is the fine art world's Robin Hood" -Art in America Magazine
What would you do? I have a 150-I.Q. [Mensa long test, Secretary of my college Mensa chapter], and serious artistic skillsets across a variety of mediums [multiple awards bestowed internationally], severe ADHD, and the mind-set of Jesse James [my adoptive parents screwed me up good].
This then, is but a microscopically small sample of that which I've done (within the last say, twenty years now :
[paid actor in one, video'ed three @ $5,000. A pop. Note: I will NEVER give a paid job my best effort. I am a Fine Artist] http://penisbotvod.com/video/51885/Jazzmon-Private-Collection-11-Marcbreed/ [I LOVED that tail, and the cops targeted me for it. Couldn't have that.] And yeah. I make no bones about my morals being for sale. It's all bullshit anyway. We're like those birds who think our candy-wrappers aid in their mating ritual.
http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/749795//http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/375202 [CMA allowed this first ad. It get's where I, as one of their "100 Northeast Ohio Art Bios" am coming from artistically. And big-money donors called in inquiry!]
If you search: Cygny Awards (standings), Creative Capital Awards (standings), Running of the Inmates (local flyer, #5:5, and caused an enduring dialog among our African-American majority population), numerous adult entertainment photo-shoots. I introduced five hundred of you, to Claudia Marie. And yes the rumor is true. The cops let me slide, giving a guy a painting for money I got caught scamming him for. Cavs finals tickets? Really! My art in the ad didn't tip you off, that the remainder was all negative space. I am trying to teach the public on how, exactly, you get along with an artist. And I'm protected by the Museum. And Lakewood had my back. Outstanding community. First Amendment is my law, bitches.
The Breed Egg (glass art), and Asian Face (painting) are my two very-well done pieces that I've given away free. 'Your grandkids educations, assured'). Sold: Fetish Tallith, ($6,000.) And missed Art Basel -Miami, damn it!! There's a lot more. You do the work finding it all.
"Marc Breed is the fine art world's Robin Hood" -Art in America Magazine
ResponderExcluirWhat would you do? I have a 150-I.Q. [Mensa long test, Secretary of my college Mensa chapter], and serious artistic skillsets across a variety of mediums [multiple awards bestowed internationally], severe ADHD, and the mind-set of Jesse James [my adoptive parents screwed me up good].
This then, is but a microscopically small sample of that which I've done (within the last say, twenty years now :
http://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2012/03/09/no-superheroes-in-newest-movie-shoot ing-in-cleveland-just-half-naked-girls
[paid actor in one, video'ed three @ $5,000. A pop. Note: I will NEVER give a paid job my best effort. I am a Fine Artist] http://penisbotvod.com/video/51885/Jazzmon-Private-Collection-11-Marcbreed/ [I LOVED that tail, and the cops targeted me for it. Couldn't have that.] And yeah. I make no bones about my morals being for sale. It's all bullshit anyway. We're like those birds who think our candy-wrappers aid in their mating ritual.
http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/749795//http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/375202 [CMA allowed this first ad. It get's where I, as one of their "100 Northeast Ohio Art Bios" am coming from artistically. And big-money donors called in inquiry!]
If you search: Cygny Awards (standings), Creative Capital Awards (standings), Running of the Inmates (local flyer, #5:5, and caused an enduring dialog among our African-American majority population), numerous adult entertainment photo-shoots. I introduced five hundred of you, to Claudia Marie. And yes the rumor is true. The cops let me slide, giving a guy a painting for money I got caught scamming him for. Cavs finals tickets? Really! My art in the ad didn't tip you off, that the remainder was all negative space. I am trying to teach the public on how, exactly, you get along with an artist. And I'm protected by the Museum. And Lakewood had my back. Outstanding community. First Amendment is my law, bitches.
The Breed Egg (glass art), and Asian Face (painting) are my two very-well done pieces that I've given away free. 'Your grandkids educations, assured'). Sold: Fetish Tallith, ($6,000.) And missed Art Basel -Miami, damn it!! There's a lot more. You do the work finding it all.